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6/30/2021 - June Leadership Meeting Minutes

Written by secretary on Jul 28, 2021

Leadership Team Meeting Minutes– June 2021 
Libertarian Party of Pinellas County 
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 


  1. Call to Order (7:07)
  2. Approval of Agenda
    1. Motion by Stevens
    2. Second from Herrera
    3. Motion carries unanimously
  3. Attendence
    1. Brett Bittner
    2. Jazmine Herrera
    3. Nathan Stevens
    4. Camilo Colina
    5. Marcia Powell
    6. Aubree Bures
  4. Approval of Prior minutes
    1. Motion by Herrera
    2. Second from Bittner
    3. Motion carries unanimously
  5. Member Comment
  6. 527 Paperwork & Payment Processor switch
    1. Paperwork recieved by IRS
    2. Switching processor
  7. July In-Person Meeting Location and Operations
    1. Nueva Cantina
    2. Delegate zoom management and camera turning to someone other than the chair
  8. County Affairs
    1. Upcoming budget proposal
  9. August Coffee Talk
  10. Website
    1. Need for new website
    2. wordpress development
    3. Appointed website developer?
  11. Leadership Team Work Session
    1. In Person meeting of leadership
  12. Merch and Business cards
    1. LPPinellas Shirts and cards?
    2. Print on Demand
    3. Graphic design
    4. Business card with local printer
  13. Registered LPF engagement program
    1. More outreach events for new registered libertarians
    2. Hosting events by (fire) district in Pinellas County
  14. Member Comment
  15. Adjournment (8:24)
    1. Motion by Stevens
    2. Second from Colina
    3. Motion carries unanimously