Libertarian Party Logo


7/15/21 - July Business Meeting

Written by secretary on Aug 19, 2021

Meeting Minutes - July 2021

Thursday, July 15, 2021



  1. Call to Order (7:09)
  2. Quorum Confirmation
    1. Brett Bittner - Chairperson
    2. Jazmine Herrera - Vice Chairperson
    3. Camilo Colina - Treasurer
    4. Morgan Dean
    5. Marcia Powell
    6. 8 total in attendence
  3. Approval of Agenda
    1. Motion by Frank Craft
    2. Second from Jazmine Herrera
    3. Motion carries unanimously
  4. Member Comment
  5. Prior Meeting Minutes Approval
    1. Motion by Jazmine Herrera
    2. Second from Frank Craft
    3. Motion carries unanimously
  6. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
      1. Upcoming Events
      2. YP Mag article
      3. Quarterly Financial Reports accepted by County
      4. Call with FL Dept. of Elections regards to Ballot Requirements
    2. Vice Chair
      1. Pinellas LP merch
    3. Secretary
      1. County budget still in the works
      2. County declares surplus of equiptment
    4. Treasurer
      1. See 527/Payment Processor update
  7. 527/Payment Processor Update
    1. Approved by County to switch
    2. Approved by Bank to switch
    3. Working on implementation
    4. 527 filing in progress with IRS
  8. Upcoming Open House (RLEP)
    1. Pete and Shorty's in Pinellas Park
    2. Postcard mailings
    3. Phonebanking
  9. Announcements
    1. Volunteers still needed
    2. In-Person Volunteer event coming
    3. Coffee Talk - August 14th at 9A
    4. Liberty Yoga - June 18th, noon
    5. Leadership Team Meeting - July 28th at 7p
    6. Coffee Talk - September 11th at 9a
    7. Slack conversation -
  10. Public Comment
  11. Adjournment
    1. Motion by Frank Craft
    2. Second from Jazmine Herrera
    3. Motion carries unanimously